12. 27. 2021
6 min read

New year, new goals

& how gita can help

The start of a new year is always a good time to reflect on goals and recommit to living healthier. A following robot that lets you do more of your daily living on foot and makes walking easier and more fun is the perfect partner to help you hit new goals.

More time in nature—

Spending more time with gita and gitamini means more time spent outside, which has major benefits: increased concentration, faster healing and improved mood to name just a few.

More me time—

Solo strolls allow you time to focus on the connection between mind and body; to clear your head and recharge your battery so you can be more productive and allow for moments of self discovery.

More family time—

Schedules can get hectic. Making time specially for the family is key for staying close and connected. Make it a fun routine to take a family walk with gita or gitamini around the neighborhood before dinner one night a week.

Less screen time—

With so much of our lives spent in the virtual world over the past year and a half, it’s important (for health reasons both mental and physical) to make sure you’re taking time away from your computer, TV, and phone. Walks with gita are a great motivator to shut things down and unplug for a bit.

Less driving—

For every mile you walk instead of drive, you reduce your carbon footprint by one pound. That adds up really quickly when you start doing more of your daily living on foot with gita.

Less stress—

With a following robot carrying your gear, turning a walk into a meditation is a whole lot easier. Walking meditation “is a mindfulness practice that blends the physical experience of walking with the focused mindfulness of a meditative state” (masterclass.com) that improves awareness, increases sleep quality, and facilitates mental clarity.


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