09. 22. 2021
8 min read

Introducing gitamini

A look at the next generation of gita

Big news—

The newest addition to the gita family is finally here! Take a peek at the lightweight, nimble, and compact gitamini.

Why we made gitamini—

​​"The initial consumer response to gita proved to us at Piaggio Fast Forward that the product was pioneering within the consumer robotics industry. We asked ourselves, ‘how do we bring this innovation to a new segment of consumers?’’ gitamini is the answer – an updated lightweight robot that’s more maneuverable indoors and outdoors. It packs the next generation of robotics into a more compact and fashionable shell.”

–Greg Lynn, PFF’s Chief Executive Officer

Innovative features of gitamini—

Lightweight & nimble
About the size of a medium-sized dog (455mm L x 420mm W x 465mm H), gitamini doesn’t take up a lot of space on the sidewalk or in your home. It can easily fit under a desk or even a chair for discreet storage (it uses a regular wall plug to charge). It’s also the perfect size for navigating indoors; tight spaces like elevators, narrow hallways, and busy shopping aisles are a breeze for gitamini.

Compact & easy to lift
Designed with handles on front and back and weighing in at only 28 pounds (when empty), gitamini is easy for one person to lift in and out of a car, up or down a set of stairs, over a curb, etc.

Smart sight
gitamini uses a combination of cameras and radar technology in order to see its surroundings and pair to its user. The radar vision allows it to sense things in depth and space that cameras can’t see.

Intuitive tech
With just one tap, gitamini pairs to its user, stands and self-balances, braking automatically when needed and adjusting its speed to keep pace along the way. When in an idle state for more than 30 minutes, gitamini will automatically power down in order to extend battery life.

Cargo carrier
gitamini can carry up to 20 pounds of gear and can operate with its lid open to accommodate bulkier items. The lid can even be fully removed if you need it to.

Long trip friendly
gitamini can run continuously for up to 21 miles. It also has a USB port on the inside so you can keep your devices charged while on the go.

Communication through lights & sounds
gitamini will let you know when it’s in pairing mode, update you on battery life, tell you when it’s in park and more through colored lights and custom sounds developed by Berklee College of Music.

Neutral or neon
Choose from refined Boardwalk Beige or attention-grabbing Spark Citron.

The wait is over—

It has finally arrived. Shop gitamini now or click here to learn more about how it works!


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