04. 26. 2021
6 min read

The robot that makes heading back to the office a breeze

How gita will upgrade your morning commute

As businesses nationwide roll out reopening plans, many people will leave a year of remote work behind and return to an office. Work culture will likely continue to evolve over the next several months, and we have a hunch commutes will start to look a lot different too. Gone are the days of sitting in traffic just because driving seems more convenient. Read on for the health and environmental benefits of walking to work that may warrant a change in your behavior.

What you’ll love about commuting with gita in tow:

Say goodbye to traffic—

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American spends 27.1 minutes driving one-way to work. That’s over 200 hours per year spent sitting in your car. Walking to work eliminates the stress of driving, resulting in lower cortisol levels and a clearer mindset when you arrive at your desk.

gita tip: gita can carry up to 40lb of cargo, so you’re no longer limited in how far you can travel or what you can carry on foot.

Reduce your carbon footprint—

Every mile you walk instead of drive reduces your carbon footprint by 1 pound. When you make walking a habit, even the shortest trips start to add up.

gita tip: The mygita app tracks your mileage, so you’ll know exactly what impact your new commute has on the environment.

Slow things down—

The pandemic forced us all to slow down and reevaluate how we spend our time. As we begin to speed back up, take stock of what brings you joy and incorporate those things into your daily commute.

gita tip: You can stream your favorite playlist, podcast, or meditation through gita’s bluetooth speaker.

Embrace the shift in behavior—

Walking to and from work is an opportunity to change up your route and spend time in new (to you) neighborhoods.

gita tip: Make the most of your walk home and stop by your favorite grocery store or restaurant to pick up dinner.




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