01. 09. 2023
5 min read

Support local businesses with gitamini in tow

Shopping small and supporting local businesses is super important for so many reasons. Not only is it more convenient to shop locally, it also is an investment in your community. Shopping at local businesses in your area helps create jobs, keeps dollars in your local economy, allows for more product diversity, and is a more sustainable way of shopping for the environment.

gitamini is the perfect sidekick for shopping locally. With gitamini, you don’t have to drive to your local shops or worry about the hassle of parking once you get there. gitamini allows you to walk more by carrying your gear for you, so you’re no longer limited by how much you can carry! It might seem small, but walking to do your shopping locally has a big impact on the environment. For every mile you walk instead of drive, you reduce your carbon footprint by one pound. Additionally, gitamini reduces the need for plastic bags as it carries all of your purchases for you - up to 20lb.

If you’re looking to support more local businesses this year but not sure what’s in your area, check out Locally.com! On Locally.com, you can enter your city or zip code and find all of the local stores in your area that carry your favorite brands and items. Your city’s actual website may also have some lists of local businesses so try checking there too!

Wherever you choose to shop locally, bring gitamini along for the ride! gitamini is the extra set of hands that everyone needs, especially after a day full of shopping!


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