04. 10. 2023
8 min read

Spring has sprung! Spend some time outside with gitamini

It’s about that time! We made it through the winter and are gearing up for the spring season. The sun is out later, the weather is getting warmer, and we’re spending more time outside instead of being cooped up inside, hiding from the cold.

For us, the winter here in Boston is a long and cold one, and after being stuck inside for so long, we’re excited to be outside and getting back to being active. We asked a bunch of people around the office what their favorite outdoor activities are in the springtime - specifically activities that are made easier and more enjoyable with gitamini. Here’s what some people had to say:

“I love taking gitamini to a nearby local wine and cheese store in the South End and having dinner in the park with friends. gitamini makes it so easy to pack up everything, and I don’t have to worry about carrying everything in a tote.” - Meredith, PFF Marketing team

“My favorite spring activity with gitamini is going for a walk and having a picnic along the esplanade.” - Ethan, PFF IT team

“The gitamini is an actual life saver when it comes to spring cleaning! Between moving to a new house, deep cleaning, and everything in between, this little buddy has been the real MVP.” - Francisca, PFF Marketing team

"Living downtown has allowed us to walk more each day. A trip to the park with our dog Bug or a quick grocery stop with gitamini has made these walking journeys that much more fun. Having the option to carry extra cargo and continue to walk instead of drive has allowed for us to be even more connected to our community, and carry all the treats for our doggie friends we meet!" - Gabe, PFF Design team

“I’m a big tennis player and have been using gitamini to carry my gear rather than packing up my tennis bag. Tennis bags are so big and clunky and can be annoying to carry around so having gitamini do it for me has been so convenient and fun! I also like to stream music through the speaker while I play!” - Mariah, PFF Marketing team

The uses for gitamini are endless and it truly makes life on the go easier and more fun. If you plan on spending a lot of time outside this spring season, take gitamini with you and unlock the walkability of your area! How would you use your gitamini? Follow us on social media and let us know!


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