12. 26. 2022
6 min read

New year, new walking goals

As the New Year approaches, you might be starting to think about what habits you want to start in 2023. Did you know that while 45% of Americans say they usually make New Year’s resolutions, only 8% are actually successful in achieving their goals? The reason for this is because most people have resolutions that are difficult to manage, require huge lifestyle changes, and cannot necessarily be tracked. In 2023, we at PFF challenge you to add the New Year’s resolution of walking more to your list! Here’s why:

Walking more has benefits both your physical and your mental health

  • Walking helps boost your mood because it increases blood flow and circulation to your brain and throughout your body. This increase in blood flow has a positive influence on your nervous system, therefore lowering stress and anxiety and boosting overall mood.

  • Walking also improves your cardiovascular health, aerobic capacity, blood pressure, controls your blood sugar, and helps you maintain your weight.

Walking rather than driving is great for the environment

  • For every mile that you walk instead of drive, you reduce your carbon footprint by one pound.

  • Opting to walk rather than drive also helps protect biodiversity. It creates less noise, less air pollution, and protects our greenspaces.


With gitamini, walking is more fun and it allows you to walk more rather than having to drive. With its 20lb cargo-carrying capacity, gitamini can carry all of your gear so you can walk those shorter trips that you’d normally hop in the car for. Instead of carrying your heavy gear in a tote or in a backpack (which isn't great on your back), gitamini does all the heavy lifting, allowing you to walk more often and more enjoyably.

gitamini can follow for up to 21 miles on a single charge and can track how far you walk in the mygita app. gitamini makes it easier than ever to stick to your New Year’s resolution of walking more so get out and get moving with your own following robot!


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