10. 09. 2023
11 min read

Meet Gailina - gitamini owner and content creator based in Oklahoma

If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know we love chatting with the gitamini community and learning more about them and what they love about our bots. This time we sat down with Gailina, a content creator based in Oklahoma City to hear what she had to say about her gitamini:

What are some of your hobbies?

“Going to the gym, eating, making music, making clothing, learning, comedy, and creating.”

What are some fun facts about you?

“My biggest passion is singing and songwriting. I started playing the violin at the age of 10 and have been in choirs all my life. I also draw realistic portraits and graduated from a fine arts high school. I’m currently in college to obtain a marketing degree so that I can run and market my business (a motivational clothing line called I Dream, I Go) efficiently, as well as use the knowledge for content creation and growing my brand. I had a huge weight loss transformation and have been in love with fitness ever since. I was bodybuilding before I was paralyzed and I am still going to compete despite being disabled. I love using my platforms to make people laugh and inspire them to live life to the fullest and to go for their dreams no matter what obstacles may lie in their way.”

What excites you about new tech?

“Showing the product to other people! gita is definitely a head turner and so fun to use! I think it’s a disservice not to take her [gitamini] literally everywhere because people’s faces light up when they see us coming! gita is my new best friend. I named mine Eva (Like from Wall-e). One of my followers gave me that idea. This product is truly revolutionary!”

What’s your favorite place to go with gita?

“I love taking my gitamini to my college campus, grocery shopping, as well as the gym, but I had the best experience taking her to my doctor appointment for my KAFO brace fitting. I used my gitamini to carry my shoes (since I have to wear a special type of shoe to fit my KAFO brace in). Everyone’s face lit up and so many people asked questions. gita brings joy to everyone who lays eyes on it (and maybe a tad bit of envy). It’s a great conversation starter and so many people ask questions! As someone who loves meeting and having conversations with new people that’s just another plus!”

What was your first reaction when using gita?

“I was absolutely blown away by the technology! I went to the website to learn more about the product and instantly fell in love. I also saw another robot you guys have that helps construction workers out! I think the evolution of technology is amazing. It’s such an honor to work with this innovative company and promote these types of products!”

Whats your favorite thing about gita?

“Whew this is a hard one. Of course the convenience of not having to carry my items is GREAT, but I love that gita allows me to make connections with other people! Their curiosity leads them to speak to me and I’ve met so many great people just by having gita with me. Also, when I have gita with me I feel less alone. gita really feels like a little friend! She comes with so many benefits.”

We absolutely love hearing testimonials like Gailina’s and encourage all gita users to let us know your thoughts either through our blog posts or social media channels! To connect with Gailina, be sure to check her out on socials too: @therealgailina, @gailinaofficial (her music account) and @idreamigo (her business account)!


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