05. 15. 2023
7 min read

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Prioritize your mental health this month with the help of gitamini

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States and here at PFF, we want to help raise awareness of mental health and encourage everyone to lead a healthier and happier life - this month and beyond!

Did you know that 1 in 5 people will experience mental illness in their lifetime? One way that we try to help people strengthen their mental health is by encouraging everyone to walk more. This is a simple, free, and easy way to improve your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and have an overall positive effect on your physical health as well.

Why should you walk more?

  • Walking increases your blood flow and circulation to the brain, resulting in a mood boost!

  • Blood flow has a positive influence on your nervous system and can calm your stress responses

  • Walking allows for more opportunities for social interaction, further improving negative moods

  • Walking leads to a cleaner environment and a clearer mind

How you can walk more:

Instead of hopping in the car for last minute errands such as a quick grocery store run or picking up the kids from school or practices, opt to walk

gitamini can carry all of your gear along the way which makes it easier for you to stay hands-free and takes the strain off of your body

Take your lunch break on the go

Pack your lunch to-go and hit the sidewalk! Take time to get some fresh air and get your steps in by walking to a park or grassy area for your lunch break. Time outside in green spaces can help boost your mood. gitamini can carry all of your snacks and drinks - up to 20 lbs so you can invite a friend to tag along as well!

Spend more time with friends and family

Head to a friend's house for a night in! Pack gitamini with some snacks, your beverage of choice, some board games, or whatever activity you prefer and walk over instead of driving.

Challenge yourself this Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond to walk more and get moving. Opting to walk over driving is better for your mental health, physical health and for the environment.


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