11. 07. 2022
7 min read

Local Fall Favorites

Here at Piaggio Fast Forward, we love to live locally and spend more time on foot, getting in some fresh fall air. Our team is big on shopping locally, giving back to the community, and having fun embracing all of the activities going on here in Boston in the fall. With gitamini, the following cargo-carrying robot, living locally and participating in fall activities is easier than ever. gitamini is able to carry up to 20 pounds and can follow you for up to 21 miles on a single charge, eliminating the need to drive and allowing you to spend the full day outside.

Here’s a list of some of our favorite local fall activities in and around Boston:

  • Take in all of the beautiful fall foliage around Boston and New England. Go for a stroll either around your neighborhood or a day trip to a close-by city and bring gitamini along for the day. Pack gitamini with snacks, water, sweaters, anything you may need for a day spent outside!

  • Go apple or pumpkin picking! Head to a nearby orchard, farm, nursery, etc and get some fresh apples for apple pie or pumpkins for carving! gitamini can hold up to 20 pounds so you don't have to carry around your pickings on your own.

  • Head to a fall fair! Boston and the surrounding New England area is full of fall festivals - whether it’s a small local festival or a larger-scale event! Take gitamini with you and pack it full of your gear - sweatshirts, water, snacks, goodies you purchase at the festival, etc - and enjoy the day while staying hands-free.

  • Enjoy a picnic in the park surrounded by the beautiful fall foliage. Boston Commons and Boston Public Garden are full of beautiful views and plenty of space to enjoy an outdoor picnic with friends and family. Pack gitamini with all your picnic essentials and enjoy an easy day outside!

  • Boston is full of breweries and they are a great place to spend a fall day. Taste test all of the seasonal brews and enjoy some snacks while you sip. Take gitamini along with you so you can bring some brews home but not have to worry about carrying them around all day!


gitamini is the perfect sidekick for easy, hands-free travel this fall. Don’t forget - we just launched our limited edition gitamini in Shadow Black, a monochromatic colorway with a built-in Bluetooth® speaker - the perfect accessory for the season.


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