05. 10. 2021
14 min read

Get your garden on with gita

The many benefits of natural spaces in urban areas

“Research shows really clearly that we need nature in our surroundings. We need trees in our streets, plants in our gardens and flowers on our balcony. We need nature as our neighbour all the time.” –Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk, Professor of Urban Forestry at the University of British Columbia

We talk a lot about the health and environmental benefits of walking at Piaggio Fast Forward and are always looking for ways to increase those benefits even more. Not surprisingly, adding a little nature into the mix is one of those ways, especially for people living in high-density cities. In celebration of Garden Month, we’re spotlighting the benefits of urban green spaces and offering up some ways gita can help you create your very own natural oasis no matter what your outdoor space is like.

The health benefits of gardens & green spaces—

  • Urban green spaces such as parks, sports fields, woods, lakesides, and gardens give people the space for physical activity, relaxation, peace, and an escape from heat. Multiple studies have shown that these spaces reduce stress and boost mental and physical health.

  • Researchers believe green spaces are a key to public health and preventing premature death; recent estimates put around 3.3% of global deaths down to a lack of physical activity, mostly as a result of poor walkability and limited access to recreational areas.

  • Just a five- to ten-minute break spent in nature during the workday can improve well-being and boost work productivity.

  • It is believed that the rise of depression and ADHD in children is directly connected to our disconnect from nature.

The eco benefits of gardens & green spaces—

  • Green spaces are associated with better air quality, reduced traffic noise, cooler temperatures, and greater diversity.

  • Researchers cite the increase in biodiversity and mitigation of climate change as compelling reasons to bump up green spaces and make cities more sustainable.

    Creating your own green space—

    Going on gita walks is an easy way to take advantage of your local public green spaces. But you don’t always have to leave home in order to get the in-nature experience, here are a few ideas:

  • Take advantage of roof access. Rooftop gardens are energy efficient and easy to care for, requiring little maintenance once established other than occasional weeding or watering.

  • Try a portable garden: small container plantings that are easy to relocate. Perfect for people who are renting, in transition, or have limited funds.

  • Short on space? You can easily produce the same amount of fresh vegetables without taking up excess space with a vertical vegetable garden. They’re super easy to create using shelves, hanging baskets, or trellises.

  • Design a patio garden. Climbing plants take up very little square footage and create a natural wall for your garden. Eaves, overhangs, awnings and even nearby tree branches can be used for adding hanging plants, wind chimes, or bird feeders.

  • If you’re living in a more suburban area and have your own backyard, the options are endless: hammocks, fire pits, fences, water features, bird houses, sculptures, lighting...you’re only limited by your own imagination.

    Gardening with gita—

    gita can help make your gardening experience easier, more eco-friendly, and more fun—here’s how:

  • Stream soothing tunes on gita’s Bluetooth speaker while you garden, it won’t just put you in a good mood, your plants will benefit too:

    Studies have shown that playing music to plants actually helps them grow. But not just any music. A bloomscape.com article explains, “Plants exposed to the more soothing classical and jazz music grew towards the speaker and even entwined themselves around it. Plants exposed to ‘discordant’ rock music, on the other hand, grew away from the speakers and showed signs similar to overwatering.”

  • Use gita to carry your garden tools for you

    If you’re a gardening newbie, here’s a quick link to help you figure out which tools you’ll need to get going. Reminder, gita can carry up to 40 lb, and has a pop-up lid that can accommodate taller items like shovels and rakes.

  • Use gita to help encourage the kids to get involved

    gita makes helping out with the yard work way more fun. Give the kids some fun tasks like picking up sticks, rocks, and weeds with gita.

  • Use gita to support your local greenhouses and nurseries

    Think twice before you jump in the car to head to a garden superstore. It’s more eco-friendly to buy local plants and they tend to be healthier when they come from local nurseries.

  • On your next walk around the block, pack gita with bottles of water to hand out to any neighbors you see out working in their garden.

    It’s easy to forget to take water breaks when you get in the gardening groove, but it’s super important to stay hydrated.



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