04. 03. 2023
6 min read

Get moving this National Walking Day

One of our favorite days of the year is coming up this week - National Walking Day on April 5th! It should come as no surprise that we are passionate about this day and urge everyone - yes, you - to get out and walk more today and every day!

National Walking Day started back in 2007 by the American Heart Association as a way to help promote a heart-healthy lifestyle and to encourage people to prioritize exercise in their lives. Not only is walking great for your physical health, it also has great benefits on your mental health and environmental health!

Here are some fun facts about the benefits of walking:

  • For every mile you walk rather than drive, you reduce your carbon footprint by one pound

  • Walking increases blood flow which in turn boosts your mood and reduces stress

  • Daily walking can prevent or manage various health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes

We know that setting aside extra time to get 30-60 mins of walking in can sometimes be difficult for a number of reasons. That’s where gitamini comes in. With gitamini, you can combine your walking time with your daily errand runs. gitamini has a 20 pound cargo capacity so it can carry your gear, allowing you to walk further, more often, and hassle-free while you run errands. Now you’re no longer limited by what you can carry. Whether it’s grocery shopping, dropping off or picking up the kids from school or practice, stopping off at the library, or anything else, gitamini allows you to easily walk on these trips rather than drive.

On National Walking Day (and everyday) we encourage you to walk more for your health and for the environment. Now go put your walking shoes on and get moving with gitamini!


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