01. 03. 2023
4 min read

Crush your new years goals with gitamini

Happy New Year! We are challenging ourselves and everyone else to walk more in 2023.

Happy New Year! Did you set any New Year’s resolutions for yourself? We sure did! We are challenging ourselves and everyone else to walk more in 2023. Walking has so many benefits and is an easy resolution that you can stick to - especially with the help of gitamini.

Walking is great for your mental health and your physical health. Benefits on your mental and physical health include: better mood, better blood flow, lower stress and anxiety levels, improved cardiovascular health, and so much more. Not to mention, walking rather than driving benefits the environment as well. For every mile that you walk instead of drive, you reduce your carbon footprint by one pound.


Need some help getting your steps in? gitamini can help!

  • With gitamini, you’re able to walk for trips that you’d typically drive, such as last minute grocery shopping or any other trip where you’d have too much gear to carry. gitamini has a cargo-capacity of 20lb and can carry your gear for you, making it easier to walk and stay hands-free.

  • The mygita app tracks how much you walk with gitamini. The reason most people fall out of routine with their resolutions is because they’re hard to track but gitamini has it covered!

gitamini makes it easier than ever to stick to your New Year’s resolution of walking more so get out and get moving.


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