04. 08. 2024
10 min read

Celebrating National Robotics Week

The week is National Robotics Week, also known as RoboWeek. This week was created to help inspire people interested in robotics and share excitement about the latest innovations. It recognizes robotics technology as a driving force of innovation and development and is aimed at increasing public awareness about robotics.

It should come as no surprise that this week means a lot to us here at PFF. As part of National Robotics Week, we asked some of our employees to share what they love about working in robotics, how they were inspired to enter this field, and what they love about PFF. Keep reading to hear what they had to say! 

Olivia, Electrical Engineering

“I got started in robotics in 3rd grade with my school's GEMS program (Girls in Engineering, Math and Science). There we participated in FIRST Lego Robotics. I learned basic coding structure and commands to move a robot and complete certain eco-friendly tasks within the Lego city. I loved this after-school program and wanted to keep learning more about robots from there on. 

As an electrical engineer, I love working in robotics because I enjoy following the lifecycle of the products. I love the early design and concepts phase, where the ideas are all laid out and coming together. The infrastructure of what holds these ideas together is one of the most challenging parts, but it contains the most problem solving. Finally, being able to see the fruit of my labor achieve the task at hand is very fulfilling work.”

Ahanna, Electrical Engineering

“As an artist, the idea of robotics has always fascinated me. In rebellion to the philosophies of Henry Ford and perhaps the Industrial Revolution, I'm in strong opposition to the idea of having people spend their time doing repetitive tasks when it could be instead spent doing things that enrich the soul. In addition to this, we are very limited in what we can physically do as a species, robotics offers a compelling opportunity to expand our capabilities in a manner that doesn't necessarily have to mesh with or bond to our natural biology. With robotics, we can engineer prosthetics, explore alien environments, and reach further than we naturally can.

Being at PFF has granted me the opportunity to learn and gain invaluable insights into the realm of robotics, from conception to execution. While my background lies in electrical engineering, my role at PFF extends beyond hardware. Recently, I have delved into firmware development, collaborating with the software team, developing some code based on our product demands, and helping make sense of new technologies and components we are using. This cross-disciplinary exploration has not only broadened my skill set but also deepened my understanding of what needs to be done to breathe life into the husks I've been so familiar with designing.”

D, Electrical Engineering:

“At PFF we are creating new technologies that enhance human abilities to a new level, offering tools that enable more freedom and the opportunity to do more.”

Brad, Sales, Follow Technology:

“What I like about PFF is that when so many companies are using robotics to replace the workforce, we are creating robots that enhance the workforce and allow them to do their normal routines in a much safer way.”

This week, and always, we want to celebrate all of the talented roboticists, engineers, and everyone else at PFF who help us build and continuously evolve our robotic solutions.


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