05. 02. 2022
5 min read

Celebrate Mother’s Day with gitamini

Mother’s Day is a great time to show Mom some love and appreciation for all that she does. Instead of cards, breakfast in bed and typical mother’s day gifts, spend the day making memories and doing fun activities together, bringing gitamini along for the ride.

Here are some ways you can use gitamini to help celebrate mom:

Pack a picnic—

Fill gitamini with your favorite snacks, drinks, etc. and take a walk to a nearby picnic area. Enjoy the fresh air, good food and great company.


Spend some time with mom in the garden planting some flowers, fruits and veggies. gitamini can carry up to 20 lbs so it can help you hold all of your gardening tools.

Get active! Go for a walk—

Get outside and enjoy the early spring weather by taking a stroll with mom! gitamini can carry your water bottles, an extra sweatshirt, sunscreen and anything else so you can walk hands-free.

Happy Hour—

Pack gitamini with your drinks of choice, some shakers, ice, lemons, limes, and anything else to make mom’s favorite cocktail. Whether happy hour is at home, in the backyard, or at a friends’ house, gitamini can help you get there. Pack your speaker and play some music from gitamini to get the party going!

Make a home cooked meal—

Walk to the grocery store or farmers market together and shop for some ingredients to make a delicious home-cooked meal. gitamini can carry all of your groceries back home so you don’t have to!


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