01. 03. 2022
7 min read

A walk with gitamini a day keeps the doctor away

How walking improves health, brain function, and happiness

We created gitamini the following robot to get people moving more. To get them up and out; walking more and walking further. To do more of their living on foot, to give them more opportunities to enjoy nature and the local gems of their neighborhoods.

Why is walking so important to us? Because the benefits of walking-centered living aren’t just at the macro level—cleaner environments, happier communities, and stronger local economies—but also at the individual level. Walkable living means healthier living. The proof is in research. Let’s take a look.

Walking promotes wellness—

Have you ever noticed how taking a walk can clear the mind? How a solution to a seemingly impossible problem suddenly becomes apparent after a stroll? There’s a very simple reason behind this: the brain is a “motor-centric” organ, meaning that our physical movement directly affects its ability to function. It’s kind of like each step generates brain power; if we stop moving, it can’t work as well.

Besides promoting a better working brain all-around, walking also has major mental and physical health benefits:

  • People who walk routinely have lower rates of depression

  • Brisk walking can lower blood pressure

  • Consistent walking decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Routine walkers score higher in traits like openness, extraversion, and agreeableness

  • Walking for even a little as 10 minutes a week can help prevent arthritis

  • Physical activity is beneficial before doing a creative activity

gitamini tip: Pack your creative project into gita and set up shop outside!

  • Essential brain-nourishing molecules are produced by physical activity

  • Raised levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which increases resilience to ageing and damage caused by trauma or infection

  • Increased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which helps to grow the network of blood vessels carrying oxygen and nutrients to brain cells

gitamini > gym membership—

It’s better to be more active over the course of the day, rather than pack it all into an intense hour at the gym. People who engage in an hour of really intense physical activity tend to engage in much less activity afterwards.

For maximum health benefits, walks should be at least 30 minutes long and done at least 4 times a week.


Fleming, A. (2019, July 28). ‘It’s a superpower’: how walking makes us healthier, happier and brainier. The Guardian.

Health | AmericaWalks. (n.d.). Https://Americawalks.Org/. Retrieved March 14, 2021, from AmericaWalks


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